en/block_mrbs.php 程式修改

  1. MRBS 修改成 timetable 後,英文字串也必須修改。
    [root@moodle mod_tmp]# diff -urNwbBE mrbs/lang/en/block_mrbs.php ../blocks/mrbs/lang/en/block_mrbs.php
    --- mrbs/lang/en/block_mrbs.php	2012-10-21 19:24:42.000000000 +0800
    +++ ../blocks/mrbs/lang/en/block_mrbs.php	2013-09-23 19:56:54.000000000 +0800
    @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     $string['about_mrbs']         = 'About MRBS';
     $string['accessdenied']       = 'Access Denied';
    -$string['accessmrbs'] = 'Schedule a Resource (Computer Room)';
    +$string['accessmrbs'] = 'My TimeTable';
     $string['addarea']            = 'Add Area';
     $string['addentry']           = 'Add Entry';
     $string['addroom']            = 'Add Room';
    @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     $string['areas']              = 'Areas';
     $string['backadmin']          = 'Back to Admin';
     $string['bgcolor']            = 'bgcolor';
    -$string['blockname'] = 'Resource Scheduling';
    +$string['blockname'] = 'TimeTable';
     $string['booking_users'] = 'Users who can book';
     $string['booking_users_help'] = "This should be a comma-separated list of the email addresses of the users who are allowed to book this room. Leave this blank to allow all users to book this room.";
     $string['bookingmoved']        = 'One of your bookings has been moved';
    @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
     $string['external']           = 'Non-class';
     $string['failed_connect_db']  = 'Fatal Error: Failed to connect to database';
     $string['failed_to_acquire']  = 'Failed to acquire exclusive database access';
    -$string['findroom']           = 'Find a room';
    +$string['findroom']           = 'Find a timetable';
     $string['finishedimport']  = 'Processing complete, time taken: {$a} seconds';
     $string['for_any_questions']  = 'for any questions that are not answered here.';
     $string['forciblybook'] = 'Forcibly book a room';
    @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
     $string['mrbs:forcebook'] = 'Force Book Rooms (auto move existing bookings)';
     $string['mrbs:viewalltt'] = 'View All Users\' Timetables';
     $string['mrbs:viewmrbs'] = 'Access MRBS (Read only)';
    -$string['mrbs']               = 'Meeting Room Booking System';
    +$string['mrbs']               = 'Time Table System'; //dywang
     $string['mrbsadmin'] = 'MRBS administrator';
     $string['mrbsadmin_desc'] = 'Users with this role (at the system level) can fully configure an MRBS timetable: create areas and rooms, edit other people\'s bookings, force bookings and double-book rooms';
     $string['mrbseditor'] = 'MRBS editor';